Message from The Commissioner - Feb 2024 - 

Greetings from the 132nd Toronto Scout Group

As the 132nd Toronto Scout Groups continue holding weekly meetings in the New Year of  2024, each Section; Beavers, Cubs and Scouts continue to be busy with both Indoor and Outdoor activities.  Each Group has grown with numbers of youth, thanks to the parents who registered their youth with Scouts Canada.

We have a great team of Scouters in each Section and as the Group Commissioner, I extent a Thank You for the hard work and dedication they each provide to the Families and Youth of the 132nd Scout Group. Just know, we always welcome any parent who takes interest to step up, registered with Scouts Canada, takes the online training to be involved as a Volunteer Scouter and part of the team.

As we look back on the 2023 Fall Scouting Program, we would like to congratulate each of you on the success of the many activities planned to help the youth learn and grow

Our Apple Day and Christmas Tree Sales were a great success due to our youth and parents who were very committed to organizing the programs. Each of our Sections has had some unique experiences during the fall program. The Cubs and Scouts that attended the fall outdoor camps had such a great adventure they are looking forward to camping through the coming winter months.

The 132nd Toronto Group Scouters have all worked together to provide a safe, high quality and unique program experience for the youth. You, the parents, can be proud of the important work being done for the benefit of your youth. The Section Scouters manage to squeeze many hours into their already busy schedules to make sure an exciting program takes place each week so that adventuresome outings are safe and fun. We are always looking for parents, older youth and community members who would like to add their time and talent to our leadership pool. As we all know, "many hands make light work"!

As the New Year 2024 is fast approaching, we will be planning for the week of February 19th to the 25th, which is Baden Powell Scout Week. The 132nd Toronto Scout Group Committee will be holding the Annual Lord Baden Powell Banquet on Tuesday February 27th at 6:30 PM in the Leaside Presbyterian Church basement. All families and youth are welcome! If you know of any other families that would like to come out and see what our Scout Program is all about, we welcome them!

The 132nd Toronto Scout Group is always looking for more support from the parents of our families, whether you become a Volunteer or a Section Scouter. We would encourage any parent who has an interest in becoming more involved in our program for the New Year 2024, let us know or contact your Section Scouter. The 132nd Group Committee is presently looking for a parent who would be interested in joining our leadership team and take on the role as the Secretary.

We hope that you and your Beaver/Cub/Scout, and Venturer Youth are enjoying their scouting adventure so far.

Yours in Scouting,

Pat Lawrance

Group Commissioner of the 132nd Toronto Scout Group