
Gray Wolf Calls the Pack

Gray Wolf Calls the Pack

Welcome to the 132nd Cub Scout Pack!  

The 2023-24 Scouting Year: 

Weekly Meetings, Wednesdays 7-8 pm. (arrive 6:45 pm)  can be playing and learning new indoor games and learning knots, working on earning badges; cooking and cleaning up dishes, STEM challenges (science, technology, engineering, math) by building.   Outdoor activities; hiking in Serena Gundy Park and go Geocashing to find a hidden treasurer, learning how to build an outdoor shelter with large blue storage cover with ropes, and skating at a local rink at a local school.   Spring time means Cubs can create (design) and paint a Kub Kar out of a block of wood, and attending a local Kub Kar Rally to race their Kar and see how fast it travels down the track.

Contact: for more information

Click the video & SING ALONG with the 132nd Cubs and Beavers" to learn about our socially distant Garden Products fundraiser!

YES! So.. Sing- Along - To the Tune of the  Old Brandy Bunch TV show and learn about our favourite spring project

132nd in Pictures

The 132nd Cub pack has enjoyed many outdoor events over the years