Gray Wolf Calls the Pack
Welcome to the 132nd Cub Scout Pack!
The 2023-24 Scouting Year:
Weekly Meetings, Wednesdays 7-8 pm. (arrive 6:45 pm) can be playing and learning new indoor games and learning knots, working on earning badges; cooking and cleaning up dishes, STEM challenges (science, technology, engineering, math) by building. Outdoor activities; hiking in Serena Gundy Park and go Geocashing to find a hidden treasurer, learning how to build an outdoor shelter with large blue storage cover with ropes, and skating at a local rink at a local school. Spring time means Cubs can create (design) and paint a Kub Kar out of a block of wood, and attending a local Kub Kar Rally to race their Kar and see how fast it travels down the track.
Contact: for more information
Click the video & SING ALONG with the 132nd Cubs and Beavers" to learn about our socially distant Garden Products fundraiser!
YES! So.. Sing- Along - To the Tune of the Old Brandy Bunch TV show and learn about our favourite spring project
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132nd in Pictures
The 132nd Cub pack has enjoyed many outdoor events over the years