Welcome to the 132nd Toronto Scout Group
Leaside Presbyterian Church 670 Eglinton Ave East, Toronto, Canada M4G 2K4
Message from the 132nd Group Commissioner
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for attending the Lord Baden-Powell Banquet on February 27th. It was a great success!
The 132nd would like to introduce Liam Burns. the CEO of Scouts Canada.
With each of the 132nd Group Sections being are very active and the Garden Products Fundraiser, Section Camps and the Spring Tree Planting coming up it will be an exciting second half of the scout year.
About Scouting..
Let us show you about Scouting in Canada and in your community.
What is the Mission of Scouts Canada?
The Mission of Scouts Canada is, "To contribute to the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities through the application of our principles and practices."
Scouts Canada's Principles are:
Duty to God - a person’s relationship with the spiritual values of life, the fundamental belief in a force above mankind.
Duty to others – a person’s relationship with, and responsibility within, society in the broadest sense of the term: his or her family, local community, country and the world at large, as well as respect for others and for the natural world.
Duty to self – a person’s responsibility to develop his or her own potential, to the best of that person’s ability.
Our Sponsor - Leaside Presbyterian Church
Online: www.LeasidePresbyterianChurch.ca
email: info@LeasidePresbyterianChurch.ca
670 Eglinton Ave East, Toronto, Canada M4G 2K4
(416) 422-0510 FAX (416) 422-1595